Thermo-physical comfort
Thermo-physical comfort
Sports, everyday and leisure wear has to satisfy the following demands to confirm thermo-physical comfort.
Supports the wearer’s thermo-regulation.
Keep the wearer at a comfortable body temperature
Keep the micro-climate between skin and textile as dry as possible.
For all types of clothing ,heat balance that is human body heat production and heat loss should be equal at all the time is to be maintained.
For sports wear , metabolic rate may vary from 350W to 1000W or more due to higher physical activity.
For everyday and leisure wear, metabolic rate varies from 100W to 250W due to lower physical activity level.
These differences of metabolic heat production have to be taken into account if wearer comfort in different situation is to be achieved.
It is particularly important for sports wear to dissipate body heat to prevent over heating.
On the other hand, everyday and leisure wear may need higher thermal insulation to keep the wearer comfortably worm.
The micro-climate between the human body skin and clothing should be dry for sports wear, everyday wear and leisure wear for all the time.
It needs high water vapor transport rate so that moisture can escape from the clothing and sweat can evaporate to cool the body.
In sports wear liquid sweat is normal but in everyday and leisure wear it is exceptional.
The management vapors and liquid sweat follows the following different physical principles:
* Vaporous sweat is mainly transported through clothing by diffusions, convection and radiation.
* The absorption of vaporous sweat is controlled by the hygroscopic properties of textiles and chemical nature of fibres.
* Liquid sweat is transported by the effects of ( a ) adsorption and migration ( b ) capillary action
* Liquid sweat may be stored in the free space between the fibres and within the fibres being absorbed. Fibres should be hydrophilic to improve liquid storage.
* Drying time is one of the important physiological parameter for sports wear comfort. It needs quick drying time from liquid sweat to avoid discomfort after hard physical activity.
* Drying time for everyday and leisure wear are less likely to be soaked with liquid sweat, consequently drying time is less important for the comfort.
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