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Protective clothing for medical personnel

 Protective clothing for medical personnel

. Introduction: 

Use of protective clothing for the medical health care personnel that is doctors and nurses is mandatory. The most common protective clothing for the medical personnel are gown, gloves and musk. The primary function of these items is to protect cross infection between health care workers and patient. The CDC ( centre for diseases control and prevention ) has identified three routes of cross infection. (i) Direct or indirect contact, (ii) Respiratory droplets , (iii) Airborne droplets. Among these three routes contact transmission is considered the most common which occurs by direct contact from one person to another. The droplet transmission is referred to respiration, coughs, Bacteria and viral diseases are spread through both air borne and blood borne path ways. Protective surgical clothing can reduce the transfer of microorganisms by creating a physical barrier between the infection source and health care workers.

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